
DownloadthelatestversionoftheVivaldibrowserforWindows,MacorLinux.Browseyourwaywithafullycustomisablebrowserpackedwithadvanced ...,2017年2月8日—Vivaldiisawebbrowserthatoffersafastandcustomizablebrowsingexperienceforusers.Thisbrowserisknownforitsspeed,versatility ...,2016年4月27日—AccordingtoKevinArrows:AsofJuly2019,thereareWindowsXPbrowsersthatgetsecurityupdates.SeeArrows'articleThe5BestBrowser...

Download Vivaldi

Download the latest version of the Vivaldi browser for Windows, Mac or Linux. Browse your way with a fully customisable browser packed with advanced ...

Download Vivaldi (32bit) 1.7.735.46 for windows

2017年2月8日 — Vivaldi is a web browser that offers a fast and customizable browsing experience for users. This browser is known for its speed, versatility ...

Last version running on Windows XP?

2016年4月27日 — According to Kevin Arrows: As of July 2019, there are Windows XP browsers that get security updates. See Arrows' article The 5 Best Browsers ...

Old Versions of Vivaldi

Although we highly recommend using the latest version of Vivaldi, you can download old versions of the browser for Mac, Windows and Linux here.

Vivaldi (瀏覽器)

Vivaldi是韋瓦第科技(Vivaldi Technologies)公司開發的網頁瀏覽器。由創始人馮特茲納(前Opera軟體公司的執行長、創辦人)與富田龍起(Tatsuki Tomita,前Opera軟體 ...

Vivaldi Browser

2022年6月21日 — Vivaldi is a powerful, personal, and private web browser. It is packed with features – all built into the browser. There are tons of options ...

Vivaldi 韋瓦第瀏覽器6.6.3271.45 免安裝中文版(6.7.3329.35 ...

2024年5月25日 — Opera創辦人所出品的類Chrome瀏覽器- Vivaldi (韋瓦第瀏覽器),由Opera創辦人兼前執行長譚詠文的新公司(Vivaldi Technologies)所主導開發的新型瀏覽 ...

Windows XP Installation Failure

2021年3月13日 — After an unfortunate series of events, I have to reinstall Vivaldi on my Windows XP machine. I am using the file Vivaldi.1.0.435.46.exe ...

免費下載Vivaldi 為Windows XP - 瀏覽器 - 殺毒軟件

Vivaldi · 在垂直,水平和網格組織中添加了選項卡堆棧和選項卡選擇平鋪。 · 增加了對更多鼠標手勢的支持,包括鏈接手勢。 · 添加了更多鍵盤快捷鍵和改進的快捷鍵編輯功能。


Vivaldi on Desktop is packed with customizable features and privacy options, like anti-tracking and Ad Blocker. Get it for Windows, macOS, or Linux now!